Acest parfum este inspirat de Penhaligon’s Halfeti.
Warm Leather este un parfum lemnos ambrat pentru femei si barbati. Warm Leather Emir este un parfum extrem de bogat lemnos-floral. Parfumul se deschide cu o combinație bogata de citrice, ierburi si condimente, amestecand bergamota si grepfrutul cu sofran, cardamom, artemisia si ace de chiparos. Inima dezvolta note florale de iasomie si trandafir bulgaresc combinate cu nuante de nucsoara. Baza acestui parfum introduce arome calde de piele, oud pretios, cedru, lemn de santal, ambra, mosc, tonka si vanilie.
Stanescu Viorel –
A remarkable, imposing, elegant, very persistent, opulent perfume. I wholeheartedly recommend 🖤
zyra –
A gourmand perfume, heated cognac dusted with sugar and coffee beans. Divine! Suitable for the cold season.
Admin –
Exactly like the original! I’m glad I found it, considering that the original is no longer produced.
Remy –
Super pleasant, persistent smell. recommend
Csillag Oana –
It opens with a bold aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans….it becomes creamy due to the lactonic notes while the caramel accord sweetens it.